The opinions listed below are intended for educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the services of licensed health care providers. Always obtain competent medical advice for all serious or persistent illness. If you use any of the procedures in this material to treat any disease in yourself or others without the assistance of licensed health care providers, you are doing so at your own risk.
Q. What can I do naturally for debilitating headaches?
A. First, I’d check the diet. Anything with aspartame (Nutra-Sweet or Equal) can cause headaches as can anything with MSG. I’d been eating some dry roasted peanuts that contained MSG which proved to be one cause of headaches for me. Aged cheese, chocolate, aged or cured food, alcohol and citrus can also be a problem for some people.
If the head feels like it is being squeezed or held in a vise, or has a band around it, it signifies that there may be too little blood getting to the brain. In that case, herbs that increase circulation and relax muscles, like ginkgo, lobeliaand gingermight help, as well as lavender essential oil.
If the head feels like its pounding or going to explode from outward pressure, there may be too much blood flow to the brain, so taking something like Digestive Bitters can be helpful as they draw the blood down to the digestive system, away from the head. Feverfew has long been used by people for prevention of this type of migraine but doesn’t seem to help as much when you actually have a headache.
Applying Tei fu oil and lobelia liquid to the neck and shoulders regularly to keep muscles relaxed is helpful.
Lastly, for relieving the pain without medications, I have used IF-C or IF Relief sometimes with the addition of a couple of Nerve Eight Capsules.
Q. I feel down, discouraged and blue. How can I feel happier and more hopeful? There are many factors that can contribute to these low feelings. While many of those factors may be from emotions, many of them do come from physical origins. One of the first things, I'd try, if this were me, is to get moreprobiotics in my diet. A large percentage of the body's neurotransmitters are in the gut. This means that if one improves the gut environment with probiotics, fiber,fulvic minerals, whole natural food, more vegetables and less processed foods and sugar, the neurotransmitters will be happier and contribute to a happier person. Probiotics, enough of them, can even help stop obsessive, negatives thoughts for some people. The Chinese have a great herbal formula that many have called, "Happy pills". Not that they make one euphoric, or unnaturally giddy, but they can help raise the energy and outlook and reduce anxiety enough that those around you, are happy you are taking them, and you are, too. Then there are helpful sweet flower homeopathic remedies that are placed under the tongue or in water or rubbed on, that help the body do an energetic shift on the cellular/emotional level that can be really helpful. One is helpful forgeneral stress whether emotional or physical that helps one regain balance and poise. Many have used it for something as major as an untimely death in the family to stage fright to something as minor as a bump or bruise. It is always close at hand for us. Another flower remedy is great to help onerelease grief, regrets, grudges, and other such negative emotions as you take the recommended amount daily until the bottle is gone, then re-evaluate. If one feels down on themselves because of poor choices with no power to do better, there is a remedy that encourages the mind-set that leads tohealthier personal choices and motivation to do what needs to be done. This one also may prove helpful with procrastination, obsessive thoughts and actions and addictions. One thing that may be helpful to know is that the mind-set follows the body's actions. A slumped, shallow breathing body will lead to more "down" feelings. An upright, deep breathing body produces a more upbeat mood. So, just acting like a more upbeat person may lead to a more upbeat mood. Also, what a person thinks and tells themselves, can negatively or positively affect mood and outlook. Having a wise, trusted friend or counselor who can shed another more positive and truthful light on your thoughts or situation, can be critically important.